If food was a person, who would it be?
Well, I’ve just finished eating my dinner and I’m thinking…
Okay, so maybe I’ll go with saying that my dinner was a male. Now I don’t mean that my actual food, i.e. protein source, was male, but I imagine you knew that already.
Hmmm…I think my meal was a mysterious foreigner. Is that because my food was spicy? Now I’m second guessing and thinking about it. Perhaps. But I will say that this person is tall, has darkish hair and is slightly tanned. Perhaps he dresses smartly and wears crisp shirts and dark jeans.
Have you got an idea yet about what I ate for dinner? Maybe he is passionate, although I would not say sensual. No, I definitely don’t think I would say that. I wonder what language or languages he would speak? Perhaps he is a man of few words, like the strong silent type?
Well there was also rice, so now I need to think about that. He probably has an office job and is a mid-level manager. He doesn’t read or watch TV, he likes to build things with his hands, like model planes.
He would love to travel, but even though he has been saving up, feels that the money could be better spent on more practical things, like a rain shower.
He isn’t young and he isn’t old. He doesn’t like to socialise with strangers or in large groups. Perhaps he likes jazz music? He can’t sing, even though there was a smooth, silky, slippery sauce. His voice is probably a bit dry. Not too loud and not too soft.
My dinner tends more on the serious side, not prone to humour, but also not a tight wad. He is fair and can’t stand people who exaggerate.
He has a very large, long-haired cat. He doesn’t like to wear socks. He is not adventurous and tries to cook what he cooks best, which are a few tried and true favourites.
While his relatives are generally dotted around the globe, he was born in a Western country and so were his parents. His grandparents were immigrants or perhaps his great-grandparents.
My food was a bit sweet, but he wouldn’t describe himself as such. He does not try to win favour through manipulation, lies, self-aggrandisement or charm.
He is a take it or leave it kind of person. But not in a horrible way.
The only famous person I can think of when I think of who my food would be is Antonio Banderas. However, in actual fact he is nothing like that. So now I really wonder?
So, the real question is what did I eat and also WHO did you eat?