Imagine a world where everyone ate bread and butter all day long.
No one was ever allowed to make toast. In fact, toast was frowned upon. Why would you burn a perfectly good piece of food? There must be something very wrong with you if you want to eat toast. So no one ever ate toast. Toasters were banned. The only way to eat toast was to hope that your bread was struck by lightning after leaving it outdoors in a rainstorm.
Time passed and the dissenters huddled secretly. They traded secret recipes and classified cooking skills. There was even talk of something called a grilled cheese sandwich.
Some people were brazen enough to smuggle these into work, hiding them in their top drawer and pretending to smoke to cover the smell.
Technology and science escalated rapidly, but still people were very divided by those who chose bread and butter and those who were even trying grilled tuna fish!
Then something happened. Marmalade happened.
To be continued…