What should I eat for lunch and other great philosophical questions:
So it is cold and I am hungry. Why should you care?
Suit yourself.
I just came back from the shop and as usual was thoroughly disappointed. There was nothing in the shop. Well of course there were lots of people and store workers packing the shelves right during a rush of customers, or the cleaners who just have to mop the floor at that precise moment and right next to the busiest aisle.
So I ended up buying the essentials. Chocolate and cat food.
What is the perfect thing to eat? What could I prepare that sounds nice and tempting?
Bread. Lately there have been days where I have felt too lazy to even make toast. Everyone is always going on about home-made bread and everyone seems to have bought a bread maker these days. Well, why aren’t they giving me some of their nice, hot, home-made bread? Why are they keeping it all for themselves? I hope they get fat and sick.
Sometimes I think that if I could just find the perfect sandwich spread, I could solve all of the problems in the universe. Something perhaps with salami?